March Melt Spring Park Session
Shredding in the slush while wearing shorts ain’t easy!
Shredding in the slush while wearing shorts ain’t easy!
The SEGCOS is made up of Tucker Brown, Nick Sappio, Sean Whitaker, Orie Katsilometes, Sam Elam, Cameron Gorby, Cooper Thomas, Jeff Holce, Ryan Lanh, and friends. These guys know how to throw down in their home town.
Private terrain parks, early morning snowmobile laps, and double corks make up the life of Bobby Brown. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYSzuHvghXs
Shaun White wins his second gold medal with a dominating slopestyle run at the 2012 Winter X Games Europe in Tignes, France.
Torin Yater-Wallace wins his first gold medal in ski superpipe at the 2012 Winter X Games Europe in Tignes, France. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=je6Y28W2TlE
Shaun White takes yet another gold medal for snowboarding superpipe at his first X Games Europe in Tignes, France.